Hearing Loss Affects Many
Studies have shown that patients with hearing loss may be two to five times more likely to develop dementia, depending on the severity of their hearing problems (Straits Times, 2023).
Hearing loss often affects the elderly due to age-related changes in auditory and cochlear function. More than 75% of adults over 70 are affected by hearing loss, but that number goes up among those who are even older. Hearing impairment has been shown to be linked to an increased risk of developing dementia. In this post we will discuss how you
Hearing Loss Is More Complex Than You Know
A 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University in the United States found that 60% of older adults who participate in this study had a hearing disorder. The risk of developing dementia increased significantly with the degree of hearing loss and it was identified as an important modifiable risk factor for dementia-related cognitive impairment. Others studies conducted in Singapore has also arrived at the same conclusion.
Researchers traditionally classify mild hearing loss as beginning at 25dB, the approximate level of a whisper. If your hearing is less than this (25dB) arbitrary level then experts will call it normal.
However, the problem is not that simple anymore.
Hearing loss doesn’t just start at 25dB, like most people believe, but this isn’t a sudden age-related hearing loss or cognitive decline that begins on the day you turn 65 or 70 or 75.
The 3 Theories On The Link Between Hearing Loss And Dementia
(1) Certain health conditions (narrowing of blood vess can accelerate cognitive decline and result in dementia, which is why improvement of our health through preventative care is immensely important.
(2) Hearing loss is one of the most common auditory disorders in older populations. When patients experience hearing loss, they’re also at a higher risk for dementia and alzheimer’s disease because their cognitive resources are not focused as much on memory.
(3) Hearing loss also results in social isolation, which is a contributing factor of dementia.
If you do not address hearing loss early on in one’s life, the later consequences can be disastrous.
The Risk Is High
This study found that people who suffered a moderate-to-severe hearing loss were more likely to experience cognitive decline, which could result in the early onset of dementia. More surprisingly, this report also showed that those with less than 10dB of hearing loss experienced greater cognitive decline as well, indicating no level of hearing is completely safe from its effects.
Worst still, it is surveyed that 80% of people with hearing loss struggle to wear their hearing aids regularly.
Denial Will Hurt You
The prevalence of hearing loss is underestimated because some people believe that there isn’t much value in going around treating something if it doesn’t affect them directly.
You might be one of the people who think everyone else is mumbling when you have to ask people to repeat themselves. Unfortunately, denial prevents many people from admitting their hearing loss until it’s too late; those with hearing loss can go without treatment for an average of seven to ten years before they finally take action. In that time your brain may not
One of the most common disorders found in older populations is hearing loss, which affects more than 75% of those aged over 70. There are connections to social and emotional wellbeing, as well as physical well-being that make getting a hearing test essential. Hearing loss has been linked with increased sickness at work, risk of accidents at work, etc.
Hearing loss is one of the most common disabilities in older adults and it can lead to depression, anger, social withdrawal, or frustration. Treating your hearing impairment will improve your quality of life as well.
Listen To The Signs of Hearing Loss
Look out for the warning signs:
- You often ask people to repeat themselves
- You need to turn up the volume more and more on devices
- You experience ringing sounds or whistling (tinnitus)
- Background noise makes conversation for you increasingly difficult to understand
Hearing aids can strengthen speech and memory, but they cannot cure hearing loss. Recent research has shown that more young people are at risk for hearing loss due to in-ear devices used for personal music listening or other purposes like driving. In fact, more than 50% of youths and children these days suffer from tinnitus – ringing in the ears. There may
So, if you have hearing loss taking action now could reduce your risk of cognitive decline.
Hearing aids can make the difference
Hearing loss is related to the risk of developing dementia. It is crucial that you take action now to reduce your risk of cognitive decline. Getting hearing aids early can make a difference in how well you hear and understand speech. Consult an audiologist or a hearing aids specialist in Singapore today.