Get Our Hearing Test Bundle – Done By Our Audiologist
If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s important to consult with an audiologist in Singapore to find out the root cause.
There are many potential causes of hearing loss, including exposure to loud noise, age-related changes, certain medications, and certain health conditions.
An experienced audiologist will be able to identify the cause of your hearing loss and recommend the best course of treatment.
- You receive a full understanding of the real cause of your hearing loss
- You avoid overspending on a solution that does not benefit you in the long-run
- You potentially will get better speech clarity
- You can experience immediate improvement on the spot
(with our non-surgical approach and demo!)
What Is an Audiologist And What Do They Do?
Audiologists are professionals who diagnose, evaluate, and treat hearing, balance, and other neurological disorders.
The role of an audiologist includes:
- Performing hearing tests and hearing consultations
- Recommending and fitting of listening devices
- Educating patients on preventing hearing loss
- Assisting in research relating to management of hearing loss and other hearing dysfunctions
Need a Hearing Test From Us?
Consult UsList of Services and Specialty Area Available In Our Novena Outlet
- Aural Rehabilitation
- Hearing Aids Verification
- Speech Discrimination Test- English & Mandarin
- Hearing Aids- Fitting and Management
- Hearing Education
- Real Ear Measurement (REM Test)
- Implant Devices – Cochlear implants, BAHA
- Cochlear Implant Mapping
- Tinnitus Management
Preparing For Your Hearing Test
- Bring a family member or friend to accompany you if possible, for support and also to be part of the discussion.
- Know your medical history. Any previous hearing loss, injury or medication that might contribute to hearing issues.
- Think about where and when does it become difficult to hear.
- Share your concerns with our team.
We are also certified to conduct audiometric examinations that meet the WSH (Medical Examinations) Regulations set by MOM (Ministry of Manpower). More details on the Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines for the Hearing Conservation Programme.
Need a Hearing Test From Us?
Consult UsOur Satisfied Customers
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am very satisfied now! My old hearing aid was uncomfortable to wear and it was very noisy. This hearing aid provides me with superb sound quality. I can now participate more effectively during meetings.
Mr HooRetired Secondary School Principal★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My father had an undetected viral infection, and he ended up losing one side of his hearing permanently. But with the help of this Sonic hearing aid, he is now back to his normal self and he is so glad to be able to hear so clearly again.
Family of Mr Yeo Ah MengSatisfied Customer★ ★ ★ ★ ★
感谢 Amazing Hearing 帮我配上了一副助听器。提高了我的生活素质!不论是和家人朋友沟通,我都能轻松自在的做出回应。当然也拉近了家人之间的距离!
Mdm Mook MoiHousewife★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These hearing aids have allowed me to keep and maintain my healthy, active lifestyle… I am very happy.
Mr Cheng S WRetired Remisier
Speak To Our Audiologists Today
Get a free real-ear measurements and full audiometry test
And the most accurate hearing aid fitting in our 6 branches islandwide.